The Word Of the Week (W.O.W.) was born of a desire to minister to fellow believers in a brief yet hopefully profound manner. I've personally benefited substantially from doing biblical word studies. They can be invaluable and really help the Bible come alive when you are able to understand what is really being said and why it was said in a particular way.
The W.O.W. process involves simply identifying a word in scripture that is interesting or generates curiousity. From there, there is a review of the word's definition and digging around for any grammatical or cultural nuances (in either Hebrew or Greek), that may be relevant for that time period. Getting a comprehensive context like this can greatly enhance one's appreciation and understanding of what God's word is really telling us.
I came to the conclusion that this approach should surely benefit others so I've decided to do these as video blogs because, well ... it's the social media age and doing it this way is probably far more engaging!
Enjoy and please submit any feedback you deem necessary or appropriate!