"I have had the opportunity to read this mind stretching text which connects the science of God with the salvation of man....awesome read! Yes, I highly recommend it! But, it's only for those who want to challenge their minds to higher heights....are you ready for a challenge of thought and revelation?" 

Sherri W. Virginia


"Loved it. I was impressed with the parallels and the correlations given. Not only did I say 'that's deep' umpteen times while reading but I had to literally get up, walk away, pray, and praise for the insight. It made me re-examine my relationship with God and want a deeper connection. Thanks!"  

Trudy D.   Virginia


"Greg, you've done a superlative job with this book ... I haven't finished it yet because much of it is so profound that i have to read it over and over again to soak it into my subconscious. I'm telling everybody I know about it. I keep this book in my truck to read when I'm out and about. The book is phenomenal, especially chapter 7 about the 'seed'. I was blown away with the in-depth analysis of how God impregnates us with His spirit." 

John M.  Conyers, GA


"You have done an excellent job explaining difficult Bible passages.  Thank you for chapter 8 on sanctification.  I have been a christian all my life and have always had trouble understanding Jesus telling Nicodemus he must be born again.  But not anymore after reading this chapter.  Your simple analogies are very helpful in explaining Bible truths.  I hope the Lord has placed in your heart a desire to continue writing and sharing God's liberating truth."

M. Singleton. US Embassy, New Delhi


"Powerful concept, well written, awesome parallels. I thought you were pretty mindful of non christian readers as well. Bravo, sir." 

Renee P. Maryland


"You are an awesome teacher. I have not finished reading yet however, I am enjoying the format. It is an easy read but the content is heavy. I am anxious to get to chapter 9 since I struggle with my physical diet and your interview caused me to re-evaluate my commitment to Christ as it relates to my physical diet." 

Toni E. Las Vegas, NV


"Hey Greg! God spoke clearly through your book. I need a few copies for friends and pastors. I'll hit you up. Thanks for allowing God to inspire you to write the book, and for heeding His call and not be afraid to present a different perspective. God bless you and may he enlarge your territory!"  

Victor H. Atlanta, GA


"I like how the author breaks down Biblical truths using illustrations from our natural surroundings. This book is a great resource for anyone wanting a deeper, yet simplified, understanding of topics such as faith, sin and the resurrection. I especially appreciated the bible verses that substantiate various points." 

Coleen W. Duluth, GA


"Mr. Forde has written a thought-provoking book that requires the reader to engage themselves beyond acceptance of the usual dogma and collective group-think generally associated with theis timely and important topic. A must read that will be viewed as an important contribution to the overall discussion."  

M. Imani. Atlanta, GA


"I like how you have developed your thoughts. It makes even the close-minded receptive to what is being discussed. It's as if your teaching yet opening the eyes of the blind." 

Michelle M. Austell, GA


"Much of the religious literature available is void of ideas which challenge the reader to deeper insight into the themes of salvation. The book you hold in your hand is a refreshing exception to this rule." 

D. Clayton. Jamaica