Coming Soon:

Adam's Rib


In my first book, The Science of Salvation, each chapter focused on the ‘science’, or self-evident truth, of a particular aspect of God’s methodology in the creation and subsequently, the redemption, of humankind. Therefore, I gave each chapter the title, “The Science of”, whatever aspect of God’s creation methodology that was being discussed.

With that said, while writing The Science of Salvation, I had conceptualized and intended to include a chapter entitled, The Science of Gender, which focused on why I believed God instituted the concepts of male and female at creation. It seemed, at least to me, to be a very interesting topic of discussion, however I encountered a problem. I could not find a location for the chapter within the book, that didn’t seem to interrupt the natural progression of information about God’s sublime process of human redemption. Every place I thought to insert The Science of Gender made the chapter seem more like an intermission from the overall context of the book.

I eventually came to grips with the fact that the chapter didn’t really need to be in the book at all. The overall message wasn’t compromised by the omission of the chapter on gender so I decided, however reluctantly, not to include it in the final draft. I did hope though, that one day I would find an opportunity to use my thesis on gender and it seems that opportunity has arrived.

In discussions about male-female relationships with friends at various times, I was persuaded of the need to write about the topic from a spiritual perspective. So, I dusted off the ‘my lost chapter’ (wink) and prayerfully revisited the themes I originally examined.

Since becoming increasingly aware that principles, rather than rules, govern God’s universe and that these principles extend through EVERYTHING that our Creator has designed, it stands to reason that there should be something especially revelatory about God’s institution of gender into human reality.

I believe that when we clearly understand what our genders express about the reality and purposes of our Creator, I believe we will begin to better comprehend the ideals and purposes of male-female relationships as well. At its core, Adam’s Rib IS NOT a book on marriage or relationships. What Adam’s Rib IS, is an analysis of the principles that each gender reveals about the divine paradigm.

The relational benefits for men and women, though important, are merely incidental to the primary discussion about how the spiritual perspective of God is manifested through the tangible reality of humanity, which is what I believe our Creator intended.

I hope that Adam’s Rib will foster greater clarity, understanding and appreciation in each of us for the truths that our respective genders express about the Divine Reality both individually and collectively.

Stay tuned …