Chapter 2 - The Science (Self-Evident Truth) of Nature


The Science of Salvation will encourage you to re-evaluate the things you know or think you know about how God works. And it will attempt to demonstrate that the natural dynamics of life exercised by man are the same, in principle, as the supernatural dynamics exercised by God. The asserted paradigm is that the spiritual is revealed in the natural. It is, in fact, why God has designed natural dynamics in the way that He has which is to give us an accurate and comprehensive understanding of spiritual dynamics.


Here are a few definitions that will be critical in understanding the assertions made throughout the following pages.

Principle: The foundation which supports an assertion. A general truth or law comprehending                       many subordinate truths.

Nature: The essential qualities or attributes of a thing that constitutes what it is.

Prototype: An original or model after which something is formed, graven, or cast.

Inheritance: To take by descent from an ancestor by succession, to receive by nature from a                                  progenitor.


This chapter analyzes the creation model to show how all human beings are crafted, graven, and molded from our forefather Adam. More important, it will help you recognize the critical blueprint for understanding how God’s adherence to these very principles is evident in the manner by which he redeems humankind into His image.


Let’s begin with Genesis 1:11, 12 -

(11)“And God said, let the earth bring forth grass, and the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind whose seed is in itself, upon the earth and it was so. (12) And the earth brought forth grass and the herb yielding seed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed is in itself, after his kind and God saw that it was good”.


I had read this portion of the creation narrative a thousand times but never paid much attention to, or appreciated the significance of, the small phrase “... whose seed is in itself … .” This easily overlooked phrase is a key component of the basic premise of God’s creation on earth. Every life form that God has created on earth has the seed of itself within itself. Cells, germs, dolphins, monkeys, dogs, cats and most important … humans beings, made in the image of God, have the seed of themselves within themselves. That is the very definition of nature at work. The behavior of living things follows the nature which is innate to the life which produced that thing. Dogs don’t bark because of a commandment or a rule. They bark because their genetic programming determines that it is in their nature to do so. Even though dogs are arguably the most obedient animals on the planet, the most highly trained canine will not obey you if you command it to meow, moo, or talk. That’s because they do not possess the genetic programming or nature of a cat, cow, or human.


Seeds, animals, mammals, insects, and people also produce fruit and seed after their own kind.  Plant some pumpkin seeds in the ground, and you won’t get watermelons. Dolphins won’t mate and produce German shepherds. This is because the qualities and attributes that constitute what a pumpkin is do not constitute what a watermelon is. The qualities and attributes that constitute what a dolphin is do not constitute what a German shepherd is. These facts are certainly not groundbreaking news but the comprehensive implications of the principle they point to are the benchmark of how spiritual things should be discerned, but all too often are not. Recognizing these principles at work in nature is essential to understanding how God has designed and orchestrated His universe ...